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  • Dog beach safety
    January 27, 2021

    How to Keep Your Dog SAFE at the Beach – by Dr Amelia Allen, Animal Emergency Service (AES)

    If you've ever taken your dog to the beach (or plan to!) this article is a must-read. Dr Amelia Allen is an emergency veterinarian in one of the Animal Emergency Service (AES) hospitals in Brisbane and we've chosen her as our guest for this article, for obvious reasons.

    Amelia takes us through the planning of a beach trip, dangers to be wary of, how to play safely in the heat of the sun, with sand and salt water and how to wash off your dog afterwards. She answers all those common questions such as - can my dog approach another dog who is on lead when at an off leash beach? How much sun can my dog handle? Is sand / saltwater dangerous? Should I wash them after every beach trip? Enjoy this incredibly valuable (possibly life-saving) read!

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